The Assembly Commission


Meeting Venue:

Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Ty Hywel


Meeting date:

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Meeting time:

09:00 - 10:30




Minutes:  AC(4)2013(18)




Committee Members:


Rosemary Butler (Chair)

Peter Black

Angela Burns

Sandy Mewies

Rhodri Glyn Thomas






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly (Official)

Mike Snook, National Assembly for Wales (Official)

Dave Tosh, Director of Information and Communications Technology (Official)

Neil Bradley, Assembly Sustainability Co-ordinator (Official)

Craig Stephenson, Chief Adviser to the Presiding Officer (Official)

Carys Evans, Principal Commission Secretary (Official)







Others in attendance:


David Melding, Deputy Presiding Officer

Mair Barnes, Independent Adviser

Helena Feltham, Independent Adviser







1    Introduction




1(i)        Introduction and apologies


No apologies had been received.





1(ii)       Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




1(iii)      Minutes of 11 November for agreement / Minutes of 21 November for agreement       


The minutes of the 11 and 21 November meetings were agreed.






2    Carbon Management Strategy annual report


The paper updated Commissioners on progress since the Commission had adopted its carbon management strategy and action plan for becoming a carbon neutral Assembly in 2009.

Commissioners noted that significant progress had been made without the need for substantial investment, which was particularly encouraging given external events that had impacted performance in this area (the referendum and election) and unpredictable weather.

Despite not meeting the energy reduction target for 2012-13 a cumulative reduction of 22% had been achieved. However, Commissioners recognised that it was unlikely that the aspirational goal of 40% reduction in energy emissions by 2015 would be achieved without investment to improve resilience and efficiency in light of unpredictable weather conditions, rising energy costs and potential future volatility of supply.

Commissioners noted that it was important to ensure a balanced approach to optimising the efficiency of our buildings with a comfortable working environment for all occupants. They also expressed some reservations about carbon insetting as a future option. Commissioners suggested that Assembly Members would welcome advice and support on improving sustainability in their constituency offices, for example information on the Green Dragon award.

A feasibility study was underway which would identify future options. Commissioners noted that expenditure was likely to be necessary to achieve the sustainability targets but commented that this would have to be delivered within planned budgets. It was agreed that proposals for investment identified by the study would be considered by the Investment Board and the Commission in the new year.




3    Future Services Project Progress Report to Commission


By July 2014 ICT services at the Assembly would be delivered in-house. Commissioners received an update on the ICT Services Transition Project and the significant activities still to be completed.


Staff were making good progress with the various workstreams and had completed a number of important tasks including the agreement of the exit plan and a Project Services Memorandum, the completion of the first phase of knowledge transfer and the recruitment of new Heads of Service. So far, preparations for the transition had been smooth and very well managed. The two external assurance audits undertaken by KPMG had revealed no significant issues and been given a ‘green’ status in terms of risk management. 


Processes for weekly monitoring of the project and budget allowed for careful management of risks. A monthly assessment was made by the Project and Investment Boards to inform the assessment of readiness for ‘go live’ at the appropriate point. 


Commissioners agreed to receive monthly updates on progress from January. It was also agreed that the Commission would be part of the decision making for ‘go-live’.




4    Highlight Report (May to November period)


The highlight report outlined work that had recently been undertaken or was underway to make progress towards the Commission’s strategic goals. Of particular note were:


-       The restructure of the Business Directorate;

-       The significant number of visits to and from the Assembly;

-       The results of the staff survey and work being carried out by the Management Board in response;

-       The Presiding Officer’s forthcoming work on an all-Wales mentoring scheme as part of her work on Women in Public Life;

-       Media coverage of Assembly activities;

-       The achievement of Investors in People Gold.




5    Any other business


The Audit Committee met on 7 November and had discussed ICT futures, Corporate Risks relating to the scale of activities underway within the organisation and their impact on capacity, and the WAO report on management of accounts. It had been Richard Calvert’s final meeting as Chair of the Audit Committee. Commissioners noted their thanks for his contribution.


The next Commission meeting would be held on 30 January 2014.



December 2013


